
Showing posts from November, 2022

17 year old female with vomitings and loose stools since 1 week

CASE: 17 year old female complaints of vomitings and loose stools since 1 week CHIEF COMPLAINTS  Vomitings since 1week Loose stools since 1week Fever since 3 days HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS: Patient was apparently asymptomatic One week back,she had outside food followed by which she developed loose stools and vomitings. Loose stools:- 4-5episodes, water in consistency, non foul smelling, no blood tinged. Vomitings:- 4-5 episodes, non projectile, non bilious,non foul smelling contents include food particles,Which subsided on taking medication, Fever was incidious in onset, associated with chills and rigor,which subsided on taking medication 10years back,patient's mother observed swelling over the neck 4*4cm approximately and was diagnosed with HYPOTHYROIDISM and was on TAB.THYROXINE 25mcg.... Patient has history of eating slate pencils since 4 years.(5-6 slate pencils per day) 3 years ago :- history of itching and was taken to hospital which subsided on taking medication. Since 3mon