
Showing posts from December, 2022

65 yr old patient with pain in lower abdomen and Shortness of breath

A 65-year-old male patient  who is a farmer once(stopped working 6 years back)came to the medical OPD with the  Date of history taking:- 5/12/22 Date of examination:- 5/12/22 CHIEF COMPLAINTS:-  Pain in the lower abdomen since 8 days  Shortness of breath since 8days HISTORY OF PRESENTING ILLNESS:-  The patient was apparently asyptomatic 8days back then he  experienced diffuse pain all over the abdomen which was insidious in onset and was not radiating and relieved on temporary medication ( drug - unknown; dose unknown; indication - unknown ) character of pain (?) He also developed shortness of breath 8days which was insidious in onset grade 3 ( sob on normal physical activity) which was relieved on medication ( drug unknown; dose - unknown)  It is associated with productive cough ( which has mucous as content scanty in quantity; white in colour; and no foreign bodies)  fatigue; sweating ;